Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Sweet Voices of 2:58 AM...Aaand Me!

I was chased by rainbows for a week.

Somehow, I have heard the word Rainbow in too many random separate contexts over the past few days. I couldn't even help not notice it. I would have loved to see actual ones along that, though, but it had barely rained. All in all, it's been amusing to have an unintentional word-of-the-week!

1 comment:

  1. eh da that is cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee
    i downloaded the video of the song 3mtn
    somedayyy we'll find it
    the rainbow connection
    the lovers the dreamers and MEEEEEEEEEEEE
    i think it shd be followed by a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and they shd do a clip of kermit flying around a rainbow kda hehe
